Blossom Bites


Give your pup the purest pleasure with our all-natural Blossom Bites dog treats! These flower-shaped treats are made with only the best ingredients and no nasty surprises.

Store in airtight containers or refrigerate keeping away from direct sunlight.

8 cookies

Why choose Blossom Bites for your dog? Blossom Bites treats are made with all-natural ingredients, and no artificial additives, or preservatives, They are designed with your dog’s health and happiness in mind. Blossom Bites is the perfect treat for your dog because they deserve the best!

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water

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Give your pup the purest pleasure with our all-natural Blossom Bites dog treats! These flower-shaped treats are made with only the best ingredients and no nasty surprises.

Store in airtight containers or refrigerate keeping away from direct sunlight.

8 cookies

Why choose Blossom Bites for your dog? Blossom Bites treats are made with all-natural ingredients, and no artificial additives, or preservatives, They are designed with your dog’s health and happiness in mind. Blossom Bites is the perfect treat for your dog because they deserve the best!

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water

Give your pup the purest pleasure with our all-natural Blossom Bites dog treats! These flower-shaped treats are made with only the best ingredients and no nasty surprises.

Store in airtight containers or refrigerate keeping away from direct sunlight.

8 cookies

Why choose Blossom Bites for your dog? Blossom Bites treats are made with all-natural ingredients, and no artificial additives, or preservatives, They are designed with your dog’s health and happiness in mind. Blossom Bites is the perfect treat for your dog because they deserve the best!

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water