Carob Royal Rewards


Carob Royal Rewards!

Treat your furry royalty to our latest creation, Carob Royal Rewards, now available at Pooch Kingdom! These all-natural dog treats are crafted with love and care, using premium ingredients to ensure a healthy and delicious snack for your beloved pup.

Carob Royal Rewards feature the rich and indulgent flavor of carob, a safe alternative to chocolate that dogs adore. Each treat is carefully made to meet our high standards of quality and taste

6 Cookies

Ingredients: Banana, Peanut Butter, Oat Flour, Dog-friendly Icing

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Carob Royal Rewards!

Treat your furry royalty to our latest creation, Carob Royal Rewards, now available at Pooch Kingdom! These all-natural dog treats are crafted with love and care, using premium ingredients to ensure a healthy and delicious snack for your beloved pup.

Carob Royal Rewards feature the rich and indulgent flavor of carob, a safe alternative to chocolate that dogs adore. Each treat is carefully made to meet our high standards of quality and taste

6 Cookies

Ingredients: Banana, Peanut Butter, Oat Flour, Dog-friendly Icing

Carob Royal Rewards!

Treat your furry royalty to our latest creation, Carob Royal Rewards, now available at Pooch Kingdom! These all-natural dog treats are crafted with love and care, using premium ingredients to ensure a healthy and delicious snack for your beloved pup.

Carob Royal Rewards feature the rich and indulgent flavor of carob, a safe alternative to chocolate that dogs adore. Each treat is carefully made to meet our high standards of quality and taste

6 Cookies

Ingredients: Banana, Peanut Butter, Oat Flour, Dog-friendly Icing