Patriotic Pooch Pack


Patriotic Pooch Pack

Celebrate Independence Day with our Patriotic Pooch Pack! This special 4th of July gift set is packed with all-natural dog treats that will have your furry friend barking with joy. Each treat is crafted with wholesome peanut butter and oat flour to provide a delicious and nutritious snack that’s perfect for the occasion.

Our Patriotic Pooch Pack includes:

  • Love Hearts: Heart-shaped treats made with our signature peanut butter and oat flour blend.

  • Donut-Shaped Delights: Adorable donut-shaped treats, perfect for a festive snack.

  • Ice Cream Cones: Fun, ice cream cone-shaped treats that delight your pup.

  • Liberty Bone: A large bone-shaped treat made with natural ingredients, perfect for your pup to enjoy a longer-lasting chew.

All our treats are made with high-quality, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives. Show your pup some patriotic love this 4th of July with treats that are as healthy as they are tasty. Order your Patriotic Pooch Pack today and let the celebrations begin!

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing

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Patriotic Pooch Pack

Celebrate Independence Day with our Patriotic Pooch Pack! This special 4th of July gift set is packed with all-natural dog treats that will have your furry friend barking with joy. Each treat is crafted with wholesome peanut butter and oat flour to provide a delicious and nutritious snack that’s perfect for the occasion.

Our Patriotic Pooch Pack includes:

  • Love Hearts: Heart-shaped treats made with our signature peanut butter and oat flour blend.

  • Donut-Shaped Delights: Adorable donut-shaped treats, perfect for a festive snack.

  • Ice Cream Cones: Fun, ice cream cone-shaped treats that delight your pup.

  • Liberty Bone: A large bone-shaped treat made with natural ingredients, perfect for your pup to enjoy a longer-lasting chew.

All our treats are made with high-quality, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives. Show your pup some patriotic love this 4th of July with treats that are as healthy as they are tasty. Order your Patriotic Pooch Pack today and let the celebrations begin!

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing

Patriotic Pooch Pack

Celebrate Independence Day with our Patriotic Pooch Pack! This special 4th of July gift set is packed with all-natural dog treats that will have your furry friend barking with joy. Each treat is crafted with wholesome peanut butter and oat flour to provide a delicious and nutritious snack that’s perfect for the occasion.

Our Patriotic Pooch Pack includes:

  • Love Hearts: Heart-shaped treats made with our signature peanut butter and oat flour blend.

  • Donut-Shaped Delights: Adorable donut-shaped treats, perfect for a festive snack.

  • Ice Cream Cones: Fun, ice cream cone-shaped treats that delight your pup.

  • Liberty Bone: A large bone-shaped treat made with natural ingredients, perfect for your pup to enjoy a longer-lasting chew.

All our treats are made with high-quality, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives. Show your pup some patriotic love this 4th of July with treats that are as healthy as they are tasty. Order your Patriotic Pooch Pack today and let the celebrations begin!

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing