Paw-licious Donuts


Treat your pup to our Paw-licious Donuts—a delightful blend of flavor and softness that will have tails wagging with joy! These irresistible doggy donuts are crafted with love and care to satisfy your furry friend's cravings.

Each Paw-licious Donut is made using premium ingredients, ensuring a soft and chewy texture that dogs adore. Infused with mouthwatering flavors and topped with a touch of sweetness, these treats are paw-fect for any occasion.

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Banana, Coconut Oil, Cinnamon, Dog-friendly Icing

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Treat your pup to our Paw-licious Donuts—a delightful blend of flavor and softness that will have tails wagging with joy! These irresistible doggy donuts are crafted with love and care to satisfy your furry friend's cravings.

Each Paw-licious Donut is made using premium ingredients, ensuring a soft and chewy texture that dogs adore. Infused with mouthwatering flavors and topped with a touch of sweetness, these treats are paw-fect for any occasion.

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Banana, Coconut Oil, Cinnamon, Dog-friendly Icing

Treat your pup to our Paw-licious Donuts—a delightful blend of flavor and softness that will have tails wagging with joy! These irresistible doggy donuts are crafted with love and care to satisfy your furry friend's cravings.

Each Paw-licious Donut is made using premium ingredients, ensuring a soft and chewy texture that dogs adore. Infused with mouthwatering flavors and topped with a touch of sweetness, these treats are paw-fect for any occasion.

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Banana, Coconut Oil, Cinnamon, Dog-friendly Icing