Pupza Crust


Introducing Pupza Crust, the latest addition to our premium line of dog treats! Pupza Crust is made with whole, minimal ingredients to ensure your dog enjoys a healthy, tasty snack. These all-natural dog treats are perfect for dogs of all sizes and breeds, providing a wholesome alternative to conventional snacks. Crafted with care, each Pupza Crust is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers just pure, simple ingredients that you can trust.

Storage instructions: Keep Pupza Crust in an airtight container out of direct sunlight to maintain freshness. These treats will last 12 weeks when stored properly.

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Wholewheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Water, Olive Oil, Coconut, Dog-friendly, Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles

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Introducing Pupza Crust, the latest addition to our premium line of dog treats! Pupza Crust is made with whole, minimal ingredients to ensure your dog enjoys a healthy, tasty snack. These all-natural dog treats are perfect for dogs of all sizes and breeds, providing a wholesome alternative to conventional snacks. Crafted with care, each Pupza Crust is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers just pure, simple ingredients that you can trust.

Storage instructions: Keep Pupza Crust in an airtight container out of direct sunlight to maintain freshness. These treats will last 12 weeks when stored properly.

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Wholewheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Water, Olive Oil, Coconut, Dog-friendly, Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles

Introducing Pupza Crust, the latest addition to our premium line of dog treats! Pupza Crust is made with whole, minimal ingredients to ensure your dog enjoys a healthy, tasty snack. These all-natural dog treats are perfect for dogs of all sizes and breeds, providing a wholesome alternative to conventional snacks. Crafted with care, each Pupza Crust is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers just pure, simple ingredients that you can trust.

Storage instructions: Keep Pupza Crust in an airtight container out of direct sunlight to maintain freshness. These treats will last 12 weeks when stored properly.

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Wholewheat Flour, Apple Sauce, Water, Olive Oil, Coconut, Dog-friendly, Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles