Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set


Make your pup the life of the party with our Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set! This charming collection is paw-fect for celebrating special occasions and creating memorable moments with your furry friend.

The Pretty Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set features an assortment of eight beautifully decorated dog cookies, all in delightful shades of pink. Treat your fur baby to a variety of artisanal cookies, from pink bones to whimsical shapes, made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients.

8 Different size Cookies

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles

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Make your pup the life of the party with our Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set! This charming collection is paw-fect for celebrating special occasions and creating memorable moments with your furry friend.

The Pretty Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set features an assortment of eight beautifully decorated dog cookies, all in delightful shades of pink. Treat your fur baby to a variety of artisanal cookies, from pink bones to whimsical shapes, made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients.

8 Different size Cookies

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles

Make your pup the life of the party with our Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set! This charming collection is paw-fect for celebrating special occasions and creating memorable moments with your furry friend.

The Pretty Pooch Paw-ty Gift Set features an assortment of eight beautifully decorated dog cookies, all in delightful shades of pink. Treat your fur baby to a variety of artisanal cookies, from pink bones to whimsical shapes, made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients.

8 Different size Cookies

Ingredients: Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Water, Dog-friendly Icing, Dog-friendly Sprinkles